This brand is targeted to younger consumers. This target is ad savvy and doesn’t have a tremendous amount of spending power. Thus, we needed to connect with them in a way that would resonate and drive trial.
Designer Imposters
Designer Imposters are a line of fragrances that closely mimic the scent of expensive, well-known brands. Because legally, a scent can’t be trademarked, this line of lower-cost fragrances have become a multi-million dollar business. We were tasked to continue to educate the buying public that they didn’t have to pay a million bucks to smell like a million bucks.
This brand is targeted to younger consumers. This target is ad savvy and doesn’t have a tremendous amount of spending power. Thus, we needed to connect with them in a way that would resonate and drive trial.
This national print, social and in-store campaign mocked the entire fragrance industry’s approach to advertising. The campaign was so successful that the authentic, high-priced brands (with much bigger spends) forced a few of the magazines to pull our ads. There was no stopping us on social, however. Seems we struck a nerve with those big brands, and our clients couldn’t have been happier.