
Web Design NJ

Great Looking Logo Designs & How They Help

Effective logo design is the culmination of creativity, skill, and understanding. When a brand is represented by a logo, the logo needs to speak to the target audience and communicate the brands value.

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Web Design NJ

Splendor Helps Local Triathlete Get to Kona

Local athlete in New Jersey Joe Donohue needed some help to get himself to Hawaii for the biggest triathlon in the world.

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Web Design NJ

Get a Plan

Start at the finish line. You need to identify a desired destination or goal. For most businesses, there is one very common goal near the top of their lists: Create more leads, more sales, and more revenue.

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Web Design NJ

Know Your Role

Rather than sell you on an undefined, mysterious bundle of services promising you magical results, Splendor Design Group encourages you to become involved.

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Web Design NJ

Welcome to Our Articles Section

We believe that a well informed customer is our best customer. We have prepared a series of articles that establish some groundwork for your business.

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ALS Valentine Plunge

Valentine Plunge for ALS

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010, Adam, Keith and Patrick – and about 300+ other knuckleheads – took the Valentine Plunge for ALS.

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Website Design 2009

Splendor’s Website Redesign Circa 2009

Many iterations ago, this is what our website looked like circa 2009.

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