June 16, 2021

Splendor’s Anthem Video for Brookdale “Here Will Get You There” is Awarded a Telly.

Over the past few years, Splendor has forged a strong relationship with Brookdale Community College and has helped fuel significant shifts in the school’s perception with impactful strategy, creative, and positioning.

A part of this perception shift was driven by the school’s need to tell their story, the experience they provide to students, and importantly, they are way more than just an afterthought. 

To bring this vision to life, Splendor crafted a new brand strategy that revolves around this notion and how Brookdale’s staff and unique approach to teaching helps guide their students to get them where they want and need to be, wherever they may be on their path. 

telly awardFrom there, the “Here will get you there” tagline, mantra, and campaign were born and at the forefront of the creative to come, including a commercial spot scripted and produced by Splendor which aired on Monday Night Football this past fall during the NY Giants and Dallas Cowboys game – in front of millions of fans (many being students).

Besides the commercial’s reach, it was great to see how this campaign affected the school’s awareness, and importantly, how it boosted inquiries and enrollment.

We knew that Brookdale and its story were special and an inspiring message that needed to be told further, which led us to enter it into the Telly Awards, an industry-acclaimed award contest that has honored excellence in both video and television across all screens for 42 years.

Splendor’s team won a Bronze Telly in result within the Regional TV: Schools/Colleges/Universities category and this specific win we couldn’t be prouder with. Everyone we interviewed about Brookdale had such a moving story to share about their experience and it was a remarkable experience to be able to pull from that common thread and weave it into something even more impactful.

Splendor’s Owner & CEO Adam Taylor continues, “Working with Brookdale has been – and continues to be rewarding for our team at Splendor. The higher education category has become a strong area of focus at Splendor and we’re looking forward to our continued success with Brookdale.”

"The creative we’ve produced together has moved mountains for the school’s perception and persona, as well as enrollment."

Besides our award-winning spot, Splendor has worked with Brookdale to create a new, unified brand standards for all its institutions and umbrellas, a comprehensive and cutting edge website, billboards, direct mail, advertising, and other engaging materials and collateral. Stay tuned for more updates!

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