January 11, 2018

Take your branding seriously and watch what happens

Marketers, how do you establish a presence for a business that is relatively unknown in the space but has great expertise in their field? Even tougher, what if you’re marketing a new company? The entire lifespan of a business relationship can be influenced directly by your company’s brand. It’s debatably the most valuable asset your business owns.

This may be an intimidating statement, but it’s true. And this is why businesses need to take their branding seriously and determine whom they should work with to set the right tone for their business, especially in 2018. It’s a new year, and competition in our booming economy is only growing.

So.. where do you start?

Splendor’s Founder, Adam Taylor, says best, “The process of creating a unique brand for your company starts with extensive investigation.”

Whether you are a new business branding for the first time, or you’re starting fresh and rebranding, it’s critical to re-examine your business. Your image, your voice, and what people say and think about your business is a direct reflection of your businesses’ success, so it definitely needs to be reviewed extensively.

Think about it – your brand is the differentiating factor between you and your competitors.

In addition, your branding can help you earn trust and confidence from both clients and customers. Marketers who express their company’s personality through their branding are able to capture the attention of potential clients, gain their trust, and demonstrate what it would be like to collaborate with them.

How does your current branding compare? Are you portraying your company’s mission and goals clearly? Your brand should reflect the culture of your company and highlight the values and loyalty that it’s been built on.

I’ve witnessed Splendor’s approach firsthand and can tell you it’s something worth learning about; it isn’t just strategic, it’s mindful, and it’s a unique process for each and every client.

Defining your identity can sometimes be difficult – and that’s okay.

I’ve been there, we’ve all been there. We want to understand you’re all about. We can help you express your company’s personality and use your brand to become the authoritative leader of your industry.

To learn more about you, we investigate your business, your market and your products and/or services, and we ask detailed questions about your team, your current branding and your overall mission, purpose and goals. We are excited to ask these questions , it’s important to ask them in order to understand your operation from the inside out.

We research and learn about your industry and study your competition to see what truly sets you apart. From here, we identify your personal taste and preferences and formulate ways to showcase your distinct advantages.

By combining the information we gather from you with years of experience and artistic expertise, we define and craft a compelling brand that communicates success to your customers. This includes anything from name and tagline generation, logo and identity, messaging and positioning, and brand strategy itself.

Can a company’s age negatively effect their brand?

It can, but it doesn’t have to.

Faced with intense competition from a powerful, nationwide conglomerate of jewelry chain stores, this local jewelry retailer needed to make a move.

Earth Treasures has been Monmouth County’s go-to jewelers since 1974 due to their warm, friendly service and one of a kind selection. Even though they’ve been a local gem for over 40 years, their brand was hurting them and holding them back from attracting new clients. Because the brand didn’t age well, Earth Treasures desperately needed their brand to be restored and modernized to appeal to their target consumers in a very competitive market. We wanted to help them reconnect to the community (and to new clients) and rebrand their business to help boost sales and awareness. We also saw an opportunity to position Earth Treasures as the industry leader and authority in their industry, all while staying connected to each customer personally.

After doing a comprehensive investigation on their business, their goals and their current branding, we came up with a plan for their brand to succeed.

earth treasures fine jewelers logo design

Little adjustments made big strides for the brand

  • It all started with the Logo. Earth Treasure’s previous logo was obsolete and ineffective. The logo form was based on a dated illustration. And subtle details and simulated 3D effects, as well as the various color variations made it difficult to duplicate. Our new logo redesign was composed of a high-impact, high-contrast, black and white color scheme. We used a simplified diamond icon – that was technically accurate – coupled with a beautiful typeface combination of a classic, elegant serif font and a minimalist, modern sans serif font. This redesign exuded elegance, sophistication and integrity for the brand.
  • Print Advertising gave the brand a powerful boost for Earth Treasures. We crafted a long-term advertising campaign for a handful of top publications in the Earth Treasures area and industry. These ads presented greatly improved imagery and layout, and they communicated important aspects of the business. The campaigns showcased their products, but also resonated with viewers emotionally. To further embellish, we utilized and produced high end photography and exquisite type treatments to elevate each of these ads to hit their mark.
  • It’s not just about logos and print. Events and Promotions are important too. Earth Treasures didn’t have many events or promotions at their store. And it was new avenue they were willing to explore; we were commissioned to enhance and promote the in-store events. We created the language, graphics and advertisements for their biggest event, the annual Estate Sale. The results were excellent – more shoppers were attracted and the total revenue from the sale increase significantly. The buzz from this event alone boosted brand awareness for the business.
  • Eye-catching billboard graphics were a key tool. We also created large format display graphics – 10 feet in height, to help market special events at the store and to attract visitors on their site simultaneously.

jeweler billboard design

In addition to these efforts, we launched a digital marketing program for Earth Treasures, which was composed with strategic, targeted email blasts, well-researched pay-per-click and social media advertising, and custom content, all of which that showcased their knowledge, expertise and expertise. These generated a large amount of traffic. To add, our efforts landed us and our Client a Davey Award for a Winning Advertising Campaign.

We were very proud of this achievement, and Assistant Manager of Earth Treasures, Janelle Clegg was extremely excited to see how far their brand had come.

Your brand is extremely valuable – it’s priceless, and it’s the backbone of your business. You need to make sure that you take the time to truly evaluate your company’s positioning (both online and awareness level in the industry) and your current obstacles, because it may become a missed opportunity if you don’t.

For the right business – one whose leadership is serious about success and propelling the organization forward – we are eager, willing, and talented marketers who brand for success. From naming to logo design to messaging to strategy, we work hard to make you look good and help lead opportunities to your door. Your brand is worth your investment. 

If you want to know more about this project, read here.

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