I’ve been working at Splendor for a little more than a year and I’ve already handed out the majority of my business cards. I found myself running out at networking events, so I carry a small Tupperware full of them in my bag. We’re constantly being asked to make business cards for our clients, which is funny to me because I can remember a time when it looked like business cards were becoming obsolete. With the advent of the iPhone and its rapidly developed user driven App store, a few business card alternatives came into fruition. This article is a little blast from the past to correlate (2011 was about the time a few of us were “Bumping” fists to get contacts…very cool.)
I did a quick follow up and it appears none of the Apps in the article are still around. Like a blip on the radar.. gone. You’ve got to feel a bit sad for SnapDat for missing out on being SnapChat by two letters.
To me, the longevity and its ability to skirt the Technology Replaced Graveyard (R.I.P. Rolodex) solidifies there’s something fundamentally important about the business card that keeps it relevant. It offers an instant read on its owner.
Your business card has the ability to set you apart; for better or for worse.
Have you ever gotten a business card and thought, “wow yikes ok is this made of tissue paper?” Maybe it has some Times New Roman, un-raised black lettering with a plain white background, logoless. Its only true differentiator is that it’s bleak and unmemorable.
How about a square cut card? Circle? Heavy stock? Raised lettering with matte or a glossy finish? A beautiful new brand is at the forefront. The information is legible and concise. The possibilities for creation are endless. They’re always the cards you remember most.

90% of the time when I hand my Splendor business card out to a new contact they make a comment about its unique design, heavy feel and impressionable branding.

It looks like our Creative Director, Adam Taylor, did his job well when he was designing the card that instantly represents his company and its abilities. He created our brand and business card not only to be memorable, but to be an advertisement. It says:
We did this for us. We can do this for you.