Back in 1892, the way the blind and visually impaired communicated finally transformed, thanks to Louis Braille, when he created the braille system.

Despite the significant impact that the braille system had on its students, it continued to prove its complexity.
And as technology evolved, the need for a better braille system continued to grow.

ELIA’s ingenious solution
After some time, the Education, Literacy, Independence for All (ELIA) finally came up with a more modern, easy-to-learn solution.
ELIA Frames™ is an innovative tool that pairs a tactile standard alphabet font and simple shapes with modern printing technology, making it easier for individuals to comprehend and distinguish details faster.
One of the greatest things about this tool is that it can be studied and applied within as little as 2 hours!
The group has already received multiple mentions and has been exhibited! Furthermore, ELIA Frames™ has had the opportunity to become a subject of a Kickstarter campaign to print and ship starter kits for early adopters.
Want to see what it looks like? No problem. If you visit ELIA’s website and go to this page, you can actually convert and test what you’re typing to see it for yourself.
Here’s an example below!

This application allows you to switch between the Roman alphabet capital letters and the ELIA Frames™ capital letters. You can enter your own text and compare the two.
An important note is that there are not dots on the top of the frame of ELIA lowercase letters, which differentiates them from capital letters.
Learning the ELIA Frames™ System
You can actually learn each of the symbols and then test yourself at the bottom of the application page.
Another key takeaway is that the ELIA Frames™ font utilizes specific frames that allow it to be scalable to any size and you can read them at any size you’d like.
You can learn more here on their FAQ page!
Gaining Momentum
This tactile reading system is just the beginning. ELIA is continuing to innovate and is building new products such as the ELIA Touch Printer.
As both designers and marketers, we understand how this will quickly pick up and be able to revolutionize the way the visually impaired learn and experience the world even further.
Because this solution is less expensive, needs limited resources, and takes only a few hours to learn and apply, ELIA Frames™ has the potential to create countless opportunities for people. It can help in areas like education, work, every day communication, etc.
It’s simple, it’s intuitive, and it’s well-thought-out. Beyond that, it’s 100% sharable. We are excited to see where ELIA takes this solution!
You can learn more about the ELIA Frames™ here!