February 19, 2018

Meet Christen


What attracted you to Splendor Design Group?
I found Splendor on Google. Their small, collaborative team environment and strong portfolio immediately stood out to me!


Why did you become a designer?
When I was little, I used to fill entire notebooks with drawings and cartoons. I always had a love for art and design. Years later, I studied illustration at college and took an interest in marketing and advertising.


What has been your favorite design project so far?
I love projects where we conceive a company’s name and brand identity from scratch. A new favorite is Triton Liners (our latest branding project) – stay tuned for when we post and launch it in the near future.


What’s your number one design rule?
Mo’ gradients, mo’ problems.


What are your favorite and least favorite fonts?
I’m on a Brandon Grotesque kick right now. My least favorite.. is any headline font that’s being used in body copy! Or an all-caps script. ?


What aspect of your personality adds the most value to your job?
I’m very restless and motivated. I love finding new inspiration and pushing each project we do. 


Do you have a go-to pick me up song?
Our Art Director, Michele, has a very inspiring opera singing voice. ?


How do you get unstuck creatively?
Taking a walk with my dog, and/or gathering some unbiased outside opinions!


What is your favorite TV show?
Curb Your Enthusiasm ?


We know you’re quite the snacker, tell us which are your favorites!
There was a time where I couldn’t stop eating Takis… Also love Mr. Pizza Slice!



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