March 31, 2020

At Splendor, It’s Business as UNusual.


Like many of you, we’re working from home in sweats, commuting from the bedroom to the den and seeing our furry friends roaming in the background of our Zoom conference calls.

Beyond that, we’re also seeing is consumer and client habits shifting. Online and specifically Facebook traffic have seen massive increases. All of this is pointing to some interesting opportunities.

Here at Splendor, we’re already implementing creative strategies that are helping our clients successfully navigate this crisis.

We’re here to help, should you need us. If you want to schedule a zoom meeting, reach out anytime. Just don’t expect us to get all fancied up, this working in sweatshirts is gonna be a tough habit to break.

– Team Splendor

#WorkThatWorks #SweatPantsNation

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