October 5, 2012

Website Design for Pharmaceutical Company

Pharmaceutical Web Design


DFI Pharma came to us with a very aggressive time frame for their new website project. This pharmaceutical company was exhibiting at a convention that was less than two weeks away. The website design team at Splendor worked at light speed to create a visually dazzling layout and web design, and developed and programmed the design successfully into a fully functional Content Management System website in less than 2 weeks.

This web design project was completed exceptionally quickly, but it is a testament to how quickly a project can come together when time requires. This particular client was well-organized and had all of their content and graphics pretty well identified, so the process of designing their website went relatively smoothly. Of particular significance is the multiple slideshows that we created for the web site. All of the slides that appear on the homepage were created by our graphic design team, to help communicate this highly technical data as clearly as possible, all while appearing for just seconds on the homepage of the website as the slideshow progressed.

In addition to the unique and highly effective visual layout of the graphic design elements of this site, the award-winning web design team at Splendor also created very elegant and easy to understand content areas, through the use of intelligent page layout and web-friendly typefaces. In just about every website that we create nowadays, we use website typography that breaks out of the typical fonts we’ve seen for the last 15 years. The end result is a website design that looks great and is easy on the eye from a readability perspective.

This is the type of service that Splendor brings to each and every website design project. Timeliness, expert design and typography, full-featured website functionality, and lots of smiles!

To visit the complete DFI Pharma website, please click here: dfipharma.com

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