October 8, 2012

Award Winning Design – ‘Tis the Season


Our design team here at Splendor labors all year long in the pursuit of clear, effective and visually dazzling graphic design. Our greatest REWARD is knowing that we have truly helped a business move in the right direction with their design and marketing efforts. Without our clients, we would not have the opportunity to do what we love to do – and make a living at it.

But in addition to the REWARD, our work also earns AWARDS! This past year we created some really memorable designs for website, logo and print campaigns. We are extremely please to announce that we have been selected as winners of 12 American Graphic Design Awards. This prestigious design competition is entered by thousands of designers, and we feel very fortunate to have so many of our designs selected as winners this year. Below is a list of the winning entries and categories.

Graphic Design USA Award Winning Print Design: HBCCO Brochure
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Print Design: Growing Concern Print Collateral
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Print Design: Vesta Pizzeria Menu Design
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: CTA Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: DJD Lawyers Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Growing Concern Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Jakes Crab Shack Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Nicchio Ristorante Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Omega Networx Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Renewable Power Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Scoops Wine Website
Graphic Design USA Award Winning Website Design: Verdi Spumante Website

Thanks again to our clients for the opportunity to create great design work for you!

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