May 12, 2023

Splendor Takes Home 5 Communicator Awards

Communicator Awards

Five submissions. Five awards.

The Communicator Awards have been recognizing and awarding excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication for more than 20 years. They receive almost 5,000 submissions from companies, agencies, studios, and boutique shops across the globe, making it one of the largest competitions of its kind.

This year, Splendor sent five submissions for review.

And we won every. single. one.

Our team is absolutely crushing it this year.
Take a look at our recent wins, and stay tuned for 2024’s winning circle.


2023 Winners:
Excellence: Russo Development Website
Excellence: Splendor Sizzle
Excellence: Gordon Website
Distinction: ATAC Social Campaign
Distinction: Sensient Food Colors Blog



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