With 4 states in the U.S. legalizing cannabis and 20 others close behind with legalized medicinal use and decriminalization laws, marijuana and the products associated with it are becoming more and more mainstream. Nobody recognizes this more than Marley Natural, the world’s first global cannabis brand, founded by the family of none other than famous musician and weed enthusiast, Bob Marley.
Marley Natural plans to capitalize on the new found freedoms of being able to legally produce, manufacture, and advertise cannabis and cannabis products. Marley’s family, along with their backers, Privateer Holdings, are taking a very serious and calculated approach to branding their company.
With their unique product line and target audience, Marley Natural has puff puff passed the opportunity over to Heckler & Associates, who is known for creating the iconic Starbucks Logo – one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Heckler & Associates successfully marketed America’s favorite drug, caffeine, to the point of mania through their expert branding of Starbucks. So why not America’s second favorite drug, too?
However, in this brave new world of legalized cannabis advertising, what sort of roadblocks should ad agencies expect as new brands and products begin to emerge? Much like alcohol and cigarettes, will there be restrictions on how these products are advertised? In this uncharted territory, advertising firms will have to up their game to navigate roadblocks thrown up by the FCC.
Looks like a creative brainstorming drum circle is in order.
We’ll bring the drums, you bring the edibles, Marley Natural.