February 21, 2019

Introducing Triton Liners.

We’re proud to introduce Triton Liners to you! This newly rebranded business and their newly designed site showcase the innovative marine fuel tank rebuilding firm’s services and solutions, along with their impressive approach and case studies. For over 20 years, SP Tanks has successfully provided clients with a long-term solution to diagnosing and solving fuel system failures.

This proprietary process is unsurpassed and has the ability to restore fuel systems instead of just giving tank fuel systems temporary mend. The business needed a new name, brand, website, and collateral to advertise themselves and showcase their advanced, one-of-a-kind solution and we were enlisted to make it happen.

Naming & Logo

SP Tanks’ new name needed to stand out and communicate experience, reliability, trust, and safety. After a thorough researching, analysis, and brainstorming exercise, we presented Triton Liners. Triton Liners exudes strength and stability, connecting the liner solution and brand to the God of the Sea. This suggestion tied everything together really nicely and the decision to move forward with the name was unanimous. After the rename, a logo refresh was needed. Our goal with the logo was to create a bold, powerful statement. Pairing cool blue tones with a mascot oriented, strong and industrial look really set the stage and created a unique personality for the brand.

Web Design & Development

Once the overall look and feel were established, our team moved into the website design. One of the primary focuses of the website was to highlight that no one else was doing what Triton Liners was doing – their service was innovative, smart, time-saving, and noninvasive. It was also important to show viewers how this newly invented process was done and how it worked.

Functional aspects such as an interactive how it works slider, a news and media section, case studies, and tap to call or text option were some of the many items that made the site create a great user experience and easy to navigate, learn, and inquire more.

Stationery Design

We also created business cards and a company overview brochure for Triton Liners. The result was two high-end finished products that effectively reinforced the brand, which the Triton team could use to facilitate meetings and introductions with.

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