September 22, 2012

Speak Softly And Carry A Big Website

More text content is better, more pages is better. Google has said it – “Content is King” So it’s important to build a strong and ever-growing library of solid, informative text content throughout your website in order to improve and maintain your search engine placement and search engine visibility. Without unique and interesting content, any business website is likely to struggle due to their lack of fun and relevant content. What Google likes – much more than a pushy sales pitch or spammy “buy now” pages – is resourceful content that is beneficial to the website visitor. What Google also likes are websites that publish new and interesting content regularly.

For example, if you are in the business of selling kitchen gadgets, wouldn’t a visitor find your content more engaging if you had recent reviews, recommendations, articles and tips about the products, rather than just a catalog with a buy now button? Google thinks so, whether you do or not! And research shows that information-based content is more likely to convert that website visit into a sale or at least a phone call, especially if your content is recent and relevant.

Website content not only allows small business website owners to engage their audience with their offered services, it also sets the stage for web design companies such as Splendor Design Group to work in relevant keyword writing. The website content creators at Splendor understand that proper content management with keyword usage will help to get small business website owners their desired search engine placement through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Let’s be honest here – do you bother checking the page 2 results on Google? Or are you like the 94% of average Google users who don’t bother going past the first page? It’s safe to say in this case that 2nd page is the 1st loser. Come on down and collect your consolation prize!

Now, on the flip side, imagine having your small business website show up on the first page of Google, Yahoo, or Bing simply because an article or blog within your business website happened to contain the words your potential customers typed into their search engine. That’s a happy little coincidence right? NOPE – so wrong! The concept sounds simple enough but the trick is to know what these most commonly searched keywords and phrases are. Not only that, but they also have to be strategically placed within your website content – which we’ve already established also needs to be unique and engaging.

This is where professionals like Splendor Design Group come in. Striking the perfect balance among each of these delicate factors can be overwhelming and time consuming and nobody understands that better than Splendor Design Group. After all, what good is a line of customers out the door if you’re not up front to man the counter? Let us stay locked up in the back room to manage your website while you focus on staying up front and being the face of your business – because let’s be honest – you’re probably better looking than we are anyway.

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