April 11, 2016

Why Website Design is So Important

Although most businesses understand that website design is important, it’s surprising how few understand why it is important. The concept of a unified brand identity when it comes to website design can be confusing to non-designers and non-marketers. Even though business owners don’t need to know everything, there are some key points and aspects that they should understand before engaging a website design firm.

What are the key elements of successful web design?

In essence, a unified brand identity with website design refers to the elements that make a website credible, consistent, and reputable. In order to fully understand why website design is so important it’s best to take an approach that breaks things down analytically and emotionally in terms of what users see as good website design. It is not an oversimplification to say that good website design is important because it affects how quickly and easily visitors can find what they are looking for. In this regard, websites are either frustrating or engaging. To look at its importance on a more aggregate level, good website design engages visitors on a number of emotional levels, which is the first step to converting them from a visitor to a buyer.

website trust & credability

Just as website design and usability go hand in hand, so too does website design and content. This is because it takes a quality website design to engage visitors enough to read the content.

The business’ core message and unique proposition are all part of an integrated website design that both satisfies the human eye, provides a unique proposition, and intuitively guides the visitor where they want to go. In short, the importance of website design couches the most important elements to a business’ goals through holistic and transparent SEO and branding that leads to high conversion rates.

Marketing program

Navigation and accessibility are subsets of usability, which is itself a key ingredient in good website design. By bringing all of these elements together, successful website design provides a unified, consistent and intuitive experience for the visitor. This keeps them engaged with the right information at the right time presented in the right way.

Although a website’s design is not the same thing as a business’s brand, it provides a cohesive branding platform that reflects that brand in a unified way. Website design requires balancing quite a few elements in just the right way to build trust with the visitor. That trust will ultimately lead to greater conversions, more loyal customers and a stronger business and bottom line.

Have questions or want to tell us more about your web design project?
Contact us or give Splendor a call at 732-295-1551.

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