January 22, 2018

Meet Alexandra

integrated project manager

What attracted you to Splendor?

The Splendor mindset and culture really attracted me to the company. They always put their audience first, which is communicated across their website, and you can pick this up immediately after speaking with Adam, Splendor’s CEO and Creative Director. I met Adam through LinkedIn Networking and our timelines aligned!


What’s your favorite part about working in Red Bank, New Jersey?

Red Bank is great. I love the local vibe here, the community and all the food and nightlife are great too. Red Bank has been my dream town since I was a little girl. I always wanted to work and live here – now I just have to move here..


As a PM, how do you communicate bad news?

Delivering bad news is never fun. But as project manager, you’re often the one who has to do it. At some of my previous positions I’ve had to tell the team that there’s been a big change in the project deliverables or a timeline change due to client request and they weren’t happy. In fact, there’s been times where we’ve all had to stay late and put the time in to balance these roadblocks accordingly. The best way to handle this type of situation is to be completely honest. Besides that, I always make sure that I’m prepared with a plan in place to resolve the issue which we can go over as a team after discussing the problem at hand. It also helps to outline any positive notes and to discuss what we can learn from this particular situation, document it and go from there.


What are your favorite Project Management Tools?

After exploring many of these, I’d say my go-to PM tools are Asana and Slack. Asana is great for outlining responsibilities and subtasks within big projects and Slack is a wonderful communication tool.


What’s your favorite part about being a PM?

The most rewarding thing about being a PM is definitely seeing how your influence in high priority projects that have sensitive timing really contributes and helps the team. Whether your coming up with resolution ideas for project roadblocks or just contributing by doing anything possible (and it’s completely out of your field) to help get the job done, it’s very rewarding.


What aspects of your personality adds the most value to your job?

My memory, my analytical way of thought and creativity definitely add the most value to my job. My memory is great for tracking project status and milestones, and combining my analytical thinking with my creativity delivers unique opinions, strategies, etc.


In Alexandra’s free time she…

Plays tennis, works out daily (but eats a lot of french fries still), spends time with friends and family, and hangs out with her golden doodle, Leo.


You often call yourself a Pun Specialist. What are your favorite types of puns?

Definitely food related. I can make anything sound silly and gouda..


What is your favorite TV show?
The Office, hands down. I over-quote the show a lot and I am proud of it.


How do you ensure you and your team deliver or exceed customer expectations?

It’s really important to assess your team’s capabilities before project initiation. By evaluating this, you can see what your team can bring to the table, it helps determine what resources we have going into the project, and you can identify the difference on what’s going to make the client happy and what’s going to make them extremely happy. At Splendor, we do this and more. We really take the time as a team to discuss and plan what we can do to go above and beyond for each and every


What’s your go-to advice for aspiring Project Managers out there?
Handle everything with great care and detail. I am a good project manager, because I care and I pay attention to both the big and little things.



What are your secret skills?

Coming up with puns and rhymes for everything and running a french fry Instagram account!


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