January 29, 2018

Meet Adam

Splendor Design Founder, Creative Director

Get to know Adam in our Q&A


Why the name Splendor Design?
I’m an animal lover – all shapes, sizes and species. Splendor derived from a Time-Life book that I loved as a child. I loved the whole series of books (Wild, Wild World of Animals), but particularly the volume on reptiles. There was a 2 page spread in the book titled ‘Splendor in the Grass,’ and it depicted 9 images of spectacularly colorful snakes. The brilliant, natural coloration of these guys was just so amazing to me. When it came time to name the business, I wanted a name that reflected that same undeniable brilliance.

Splendor in the Grass

Do you have a favorite part about working in Red Bank, New Jersey?
There is a lot of business happening in New Jersey. And in Red Bank, there is so much going on culturally: with theater, arts, and charity. People around here think outside the box. And I enjoy the energy. Not too many towns like this in this part of the state.

Describe your design technique in one word.

Outside of Splendor Adam.
Art, animals, nature, the ocean, the woods, the mountains, surfing, music, woodworking, gardening, family man and being grateful.

Describe one of your favorite projects that you’ve worked on at Splendor.
Our more high-profile clients require all our expertise and white-glove service. They require us to rise up and deliver the best. But for me personally, I enjoy the mental and creative challenges when  working on a brand-new startup. When someone comes to us with nothing but a vision, we have a completely blanks canvas: no business name, no tagline, no copy, no logo, no print, no website, no marketing, no social, and no search engine presence.

We recently took on a marine tank rebuilding company. Their process and approach is completely disruptive and required us to figure out how to name, design and market the business. And all of our branding, messaging and positioning needed to educate audiences on a completely different way of doing things. Huge challenge, but wait till you see the results!
Update: Triton Liners »

What aspect of your personality adds the most value to your job?
I’m a perpetual thinker. I take what I do extremely personally, so when I apply myself to a client’s needs and challenges, they get my absolute best efforts. Why? Because I can’t help but constantly think, “Is the best I can do?” That question really drives me.

What is your favorite TV show?
It’s a tie between Simpsons and Lost.

Do you have a go-to pick me up song?
To spike my adrenaline…Silhouette by Thrice. I love a nice wall of heavy guitars.

What’s your favorite part about being the Founder and Creative Director at Splendor?
Collaboration. Motivating, inspiring, and pulling out the very best work from my team.

What’s your top advice for startup Marketing Agencies and Studios?
You must figure out basic sustenance…how to pay bills and survive. The early days are extra lean. Get used to it. Be resourceful and figure out a way. Because the most important, early hurdle to overcome is paying all your bills so you can survive to come back the next day and keep working. And oh yeah, the hours suck.

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