November 10, 2015

Figenza Vodka Website

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new site for Figenza Vodka, one of the products offered by longtime Splendor client, Carriage House Imports. Their existing site, built in 2011, was in dire need of a cleaner, more modern and upscale look. It also lacked mobile and tablet compatibility.


Liquor Web Design


Our team orchestrated a custom photoshoot, resulting in gorgeous, unique, and expressive photos to capture the brand essence of Figenza. With this great library of new photos, the visual website design for Figenza really came to life. These high quality photographs are an excellent case study for how important imagery is for an effective presentation of a liquor brand.

The homepage is a modern, inviting landing page – sleek, clean and elegant. features introduction to the brand and high impact imagery. the site utilizes WordPress CMS which allows for quick and easy updates, edits and publishing by Figenza’s internal staff. The site also features an extremely useful retail location finder, which allows the visitor to find a store, restaurant or bar that carries the brand.

View the live site »

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