October 12, 2011

Colors of Fall

Time brings anew. The colors of the world don’t stay the same for too long, most notably in autumn. Given the fact the shades around you are shifting, let’s examine what these new surroundings signify and how to use them to reinvigorate your business.


When the leaves and foliage change shades from summer to autumn, it is an evolutionary maneuver to adapt before winter. Unless you want your business to be in the dead of winter, think of what these colors can signify to us. Orange and Purple (two sample colors) are intermediate tones, yet both evoke alertness. Orange, which lies between red and yellow, is symbolic of notification of one’s presence or of a marker. Purple, found between red and blue, is a symbol of royalty and elegance. These colors, now paired with these meanings, can be utilized for specific purposes.


Armed with an understanding of color theory from the creative perspective, let’s examine a real-life implementation for business. Orange, with its call to attention, can be used for news headlines or in visual prompts and cues. This high-impact color is successful at drawing in the audience’s eyes. Purple is a strong foundation to build around. Purple is proud and regal, and serves as an excellent backdrop for many websites, as well as a key color in logos and brands. This color is not overpowering in brightness, but is deep, rich and captivating. While orange may grab more attention, purple will appear as more authoritative.

A Note

In the spirit of autumn, the season of change, it is important to identify areas in need of improvement in your marketing efforts. Successful marketing involves constant re-evaluation of your messaging, your branding, and even your color palette. Your message is unique in that it is yours. Your brand is the foundation for your entire marketing effort. And the basis of all things visual is color. Our expert knowledge of color theory affords us a distinct advantage in creating design solutions for your business – regardless of the size, shape or season!