May 1, 2015

Website Design for Zongyi

Splendor recently launched a new website for Zongyi Solar, a company specializing in the construction of solar farms. We gave the site a clean, minimal look with bright accents of color for a professional feel. The site highlights Zongyi’s latest solar farm projects, making use of custom icons as well as their existing photography.


Zongyi Solar Website


The project section was a custom designed feature that allows the client to showcase their projects by simply filling out a form. The client uploads photographs, and enters fields such as title, location, project size and description. The custom template structure we created assembles the information and displays it in an elegant page layout.


Zongyi Solar Project


Additionally, we created several layout templates for the project section, allowing the client to choose a distinct layout for each project. The easy to use format we created along with the sophisticated design and layout won rave reviews from the client. “We are very pleased and feel confident knowing we can handle any backend edits ourselves.” — Dana Pscolkoski.

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