April 22, 2016

Pitfalls of Working with Freelancers & Independent Web Designers

In most aspects of business, one has the option to work with a freelancer. It can be a good way to save some money, but as with all cheaper options in life, sometimes you end up getting for what you pay for. Typically, freelance website designers may be highly skilled in one aspect of website design, but under-qualified in other necessary aspects of the industry. Conversely, boutique website design firms are usually comprised of 5-10 employees who are experts in their respective fields. As a result, boutique web design firms can produce higher quality websites than most freelancers can. Of course, this comes with a higher price, but those who choose to spend the money will almost always say it was worth it. To give you a better idea of what you’re dealing with when it comes to freelance web designers, we have listed brief descriptions of the three most common freelance web designers below.

To put it simply, many freelance website designer’s skills are top-heavy, they usually aren’t well-rounded.




Now, obviously, there are some well-rounded, talented freelance web designers out there, but they are few and far between. Simply put, relying on one person to properly create every aspect of your business’ website will not result in the best finished product. If you have room in the budget, when it comes to website design, the best option is the boutique firm. Freelance web designers will end up taking up more of your time than you had anticipated and you’ll be paying more down the road to fix the problems they created. In general, no one person can deliver everything needed to make your website design project a success. Freelancers are great for businesses on a strict budget limitation, but if you can afford it, it’s always best to go with the well-rounded boutique design firm. Contact Splendor to learn more about how we can help with your web design project.

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