January 22, 2014

5 Small Business Resolutions For The New Year

It’s a new year so as a small business owner it’s time to set your resolutions and goals for the year ahead. Whether you’re trying to start up, grow your small business or have another stellar year, resolving to improve your business’s online presence should be a no brainer. After all, if you’ve stumbled upon this article you must have SOME clue as to what the power of an online presence can bring. So here are some goals for this new year:

Cut the cord – Learn to let go of some of the smaller tasks that don’t necessarily need your personal attention. We understand the inclination to have your hands in everything where your business is concerned. But, by delegating smaller tasks like social networking, blog updates and website maintenance to a web designer, you’re freeing up precious time to spend doing more face-to-face interaction.

Fill the void – Make sure your website isn’t just made up of a foundation and frame. Having a solid structure is important, but make sure to fill the site with unique and engaging copy and content updates like a regularly scheduled blog series. New and relatable content means more eyes on your site.

Get on the grid – If your business doesn’t have a social media presence it’s time to get it one. Make sure your business is listed with one or more of the following: Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. Also make sure that if you run a brick and mortar operation, your business address is accurately listed within navigations sites like Google Maps. As far as many customers are concerned, if you don’t exist on Google Maps you don’t exist period.

Clean up shop – Now that your newfound social media presence is driving more potential customers to your small business website, make sure where they end up is user friendly, functional and nice to look at. Having a social media presence is all well and good but if it leads customers to an ugly and out dated website you’re dead in the water. Delegate this task to an experienced website designer that you trust.

And while you’re at it – Make sure your small business website is mobile compatible. More and more consumers are finding local businesses based on searches they do from their mobile devices. Having an easy to use mobile friendly page for your customers to access takes the guesswork out of locating your business.

So forge ahead and take your business’s destiny into your own hands. This is your year! So get up, get online and make it count!

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